Hi I am Jemima Lebrun and I am 10 years old in the fifth grade.
My birthday is January 16. I was in New York in 1998.
My best friend is Destiny, Ayo, Vanessa, Hilda. I feel comfortable
about my life because I have no sister, and I get whatever I want
and I get my own room, tv cable, and get the color that I want for
my room. I have my computer and I own a website network.
I am planing to have my own perfect slumber party. My best best
friend is a very nice friend because she keeps secrets and she have
her own party and she always invites me to their sleep over party.
We do each others hair, do our nails, have a pillow fight and watch
tv ;ike the disney channel and talk about bags and we tell each
other secrets too. |